Board of Trustees

The Peter White Public Library Board of Trustees typically meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. in the George Shiras III Room. Members of the Library’s governing Board are appointed by the Marquette City Commission to serve a five-year term.  A member may serve for a maximum of two terms, or a total of ten (10) years, on the Board. The five-member Board elects officers from its current members. Those interested in serving as a member of the Library Board of Trustees must complete an application online at the City of Marquette's website Board Application

PWPL Board of Trustees (left to right): Lori Nelson, Steven Schmunk, Carol Steinhaus, Joseph Meyskens, and Suzanne Williams.
PWPL Board of Trustees Members (left to right): Lori Nelson, Steven Schmunk, Carol Steinhaus, Joseph Meyskens, and Suzanne Williams.

Board Member Contact Information

DateDescriptionZoom Link
January 21, 2025Regular Meeting
February 18, 2025Regular Meeting
March 18, 2025Regular Meeting
April 15, 2025Regular Meeting
May 20, 2025Regular Meeting
June 17, 2025Regular Meeting
July 9, 2025Joint Meeting with TAC
August 5, 2025Regular Meeting
September 30, 2025Regular Meeting
October 28, 2025Regular Meeting
November 18, 2025Regular Meeting
No December Meeting

Board Meeting Schedule

The Library Board of Trustees adopt the annual meeting schedule at a regular meeting of the board. This typically occurs at one of the fall meetings. 

Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed and meetings may be cancelled if a quorum of members is not available. All changes to the approved schedule will be published on our website and in the library in compliance with Public Act 267 of 1976.

Questions about the meeting schedule or agendas can be directed to Andrea Ingmire, Library Director, at 906-226-4303.

For Library Documents such as: Annual Financial Reports (Audits), Annual Report, and MERS Liability visit the Annual Report page of our website.

Meeting Minutes









Agendas & Packets






Draft meeting minutes will be available for public inspection within eight business days after the meeting. Approved minutes will be available for public inspection within five business days after the meeting at which minutes are approved. Minutes of meetings are listed below after they’ve been approved.

Copies of approved minutes are also available at the Peter White Public Library, Administration Office and Reference Desk, 217 N Front Street, Marquette, MI 49855 (906-228-9510) and at the City Clerk’s Office, 300 W Baraga, Marquette, MI 49855 (906-228-0430).


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